Teach Me Research
The best website for teaching medical research
Practical Training
Downloadable Examples to Helps You to Master Statistical and Meta-analysis Skills
Interactive Lectures
Recorded Video Lectures and Live Sessions Weekly to Help You to Learn Research Skills
Premium Certificate
After Each Course, There Will Be a Quiz and Certificate if You Pass
Our Clinical Research Courses
We currently provides the following research courses
Our Courses
Course 1: Clinical Research Basic Skills Course
In this course, you will learn the basics of clinical research. You are starting from the steps of clinical research, developing the research idea, and testing the hypothesis. Also, you will learn the legal and ethical aspects of the research and the basic concepts of data collection procedures and types of errors and biases. The course will also explain the study designs and how to design your study accordingly. In addition, you will learn several skills such as writing protocol/proposal, how to search in the literature, how to develop questionnaire/case report form, how to translate questionnaire, and sample size calculation for several types of study design.
Course 2: Medical Statistics using SPSS
In this course, you will learn biostatistics concepts. The course starts with an introductory section for basic concepts of biostatistics then you will start working with the SPSS program to apply these concepts. You will learn the skills that you will need to apply the most common statistical methods and skills in your research project. The course is 100% practical, with different real examples for each test that will help you master different parametrical and non-parametrical statistical tests for presenting the data. The course will also include a chapter on making graphs and charts to help you present your data. The course will help you how to learn and apply standard statistical tests: association tests, the difference between groups tests, survival analysis, reliability testing, prediction tests and regression analysis. The course is practical 100% with real examples and software instructions to help you master these concepts. The course will also help you to write the results/method section of your paper.
Course 3: Writing and Publishing Your Research Paper
In this course, you will learn the basic principles to consider during scientific writing. The course starts with an introductory section for basic concepts of writing, tips and tricks, and how to start writing your first paper. The course will also explain how to use Endnote to make references and major points to consider during referencing. Then the course will start with preparing the original manuscript: preparing tables and figures, writing results, writing method section, writing introduction and discussion. The course will also explain how to use reporting guidelines according to EQUATOR. Additionally, the course will explain how to write an abstract and prepare it for an international conference presentation. The course will also specific types of publications such as review articles, letter to editor, and case report. The course will also demonstrate writing and publishing-related issues. Finally, the course will help you to prepare your paper for submission and publication, how to format your paper, how to find a suitable journal and how to avoid predatory journal, how to respond to reviewers comments, how to submit your abstract for international conferences and how to avoid predatory conferences.
Course 4: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
This course will explain the concepts and practical aspect of systemic review and meta-analysis. The course will explain the main steps you will need to conduct systemic review and meta-analysis, such as: developing a research question, writing and registering protocol, develop search term, searching the literature and scientific database, screening and identifying eligible articles, how to develop extraction sheet, how to extract data and prepare it for analysis, how to conduct manual searching, and quality assessment for RCTs and observational studies. The course will then help you set up your data for meta-analysis, choose a suitable statistical method depending on your data, construct a funnel plot for publication bias, subgroup analysis, meta-regression, and sensitivity analysis. The course is practical 100% with real examples and software instructions to help you master these concepts. The course will also help you to write your meta-analysis results and how to prepare systemic review and meta-analysis article for submission.
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